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Grace Schneider

Year: Junior
Major: Arts and Humanities
Hometown: Bloomfield Hills, MI
Instrument: Violin

Grace is excited for her third year performing in Concert Orchestra. Serving as President of COSA, she is looking forward to making music this year, and hopes to help the Concert Orchestra program grow.

Grace began playing violin at the age of nine. Since then, she has played in her high school’s Symphony Orchestra, pit orchestra, and has received multiple first division ratings at both district and state Solo and Ensemble festivals. She was awarded the National School Orchestra Award in 2021 for her leadership and dedication to her ensemble and will continue to show the same attention to Concert Orchestra.

Grace is part of the Residential College in the Arts and Humanities and is passionate about the arts and their place in the world. She believes in the importance of music in communities, and values Concert Orchestra as an organization that strengthens Michigan State University.